Sunday 23 March 2014

While doing book reviews many of the stories we read are gifted to us in exchange for an honest review, but sometimes a book calls to you, whether it is by an author you like to read or has a story line that interests you, sometimes a book is just begging for you to buy it, read it and enjoy it.

This was one of those books.

Three years have gone by since Callie used to sub to her Master Jack. She left him because she believed that he did not love her the way that she needed/craved to be loved.

Now in town for the holidays they meet up once again. Straight away they easily fall back into their comfortable patterns, him dominating and her submitting. The sex is hot and steamy, but still there is something missing. For her, she is still looking for happy ever after, marriage, kids and a picket fence. For him, he is searching for the reason she left in the first place, desparate to keep her with him, but unable to open himself up to ask her for answers and declare his feelings for her.

He tries to tell her the only way he know how. In the bedroom. In the bed, in his dominating manner he tries to portray his emotions. Sure he uses a few extra toys, a vibrator, a paddle and a funky snowflake nipple shield. He gives her countless orgasms, but somehow he is just falling short on the aftercare, he is forgetting the cuddling, sometimes sending her after right away. She is confused but still deeply in love and keeps returning for more. Sooner or later he will let her spend the night and she will get the holding and loving that she wants, right?

Will he finally get his act together? Will she ever have the nerve to confront him, to explain what she is craving? Or will she walk away again.?

I thought this book had some hot sex scenes, he is definately a dom to salivate over, his scenes had me wiggling in my chair. I definatley recomment anyone who enjoys some domination to buy this book. It was great. I would rate it 5/5.

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